Cycle Skills Coaching
Cycle Skills Coaching 7-12 Years
This course is taught to British Cycling Level 2 standards, developing a rider's basic on and off-road skills and techniques in an environment without the distraction of traffic and other hazards.
Your child is taught by a British Cycling qualified instructor in small groups
Lessons are taught in a traffic-free environment
The session will include teaching of basic on and off-road skills in a fun and interactive way.
The session may involve the use of ramps and other equipment
Targeted at children aged 7 -12 years old, who meet the requirements below
A bike in working order, comfortable clothing, sensible footwear and a helmet
A parent/guardian is required to stay at the venue or close by during the session
This course is aimed at riders aged between 7 and 12 who can ride a bike confidently
Minimum of 6 children need to attend each session for insurance purposes
Booking in advance is required
Session Structure
Bike & equipment safety checks
Warm up
Fundamentals and skills demonstrations taught in a fun and interactive approach
Putting what the children have learned into practice - free riding using equipment and ramps
£10 per child
Current Sessions
Contact us to register your interest - sessions run on demand